The Greenbizz project’s researchers have collaborated intensely with the Greenbizz project’s businesses on Green Business Model Analysis and Innovation since Denmark, Norway and Sweden reopened af the COVID 19. And now the results of the intense work have been presented in the conference articles.
At the IFKAD conference June 20-22 in Lugano Prof. Peter Lindgren from the research center CGC, Aarhus University Herning presented the paper: Green Business Model Innovation Competences – How to measure green business model competences components?
And at the CONASENSE Symposium June 27-28 at the fortiss Institute in Munich Prof. Peter Lindgren presented the article: Green Business Models and Use-cases for 6G
And Associate Professor Per Valter from Østfold University College, Norway presented the article Green Business Model 6G Services: A new perspective with Internet of Things connected Green Business Models empowered with Artificial Intelligence at at the CONASENSE Symposium June 27-28 at the fortiss Institute in Munich
Research assistant Thuvarakai Kandasamy from the research center CGC, Aarhus University Herning, presented the paper: Business Consultants as Knowledge Drivers and Gatekeepers in Green Business Model Innovation Processes. And at the New Business Model Conference (NBM 2022) June 23-24 in Rome Thuvarakai presented: Ethnographic Method as a tool for Green Business Model Innovation.
At the New Business Model Conference (NBM 2022) June 23-24 in Rome
Research assistant Rita Madsen from research center CGC, Aarhus University Herning, presented the paper: What Green Business Model actually is? Understanding of Green Business Models Among SMEs, Startups, Consulting and Public Businesses in Denmark. Adomaityte, Rita., Sureshkumar, Sukanthan., Lindgren, Peter and Eriksen, A., Henriette.
At The 23rd International CINet Conference September 11-13 in Pisa PhD student Emma Ek from Sotenäs Symbioscentrum Sweden, will present the paper: The contribution to sustainble innovation in symbiosis business value networks: The case of the sotenäs symbiosis network and Greenlab Skive.
At the New Business Model Conference (NBM 2022) June 23-24 in Rome Emma presented the paper: Green Collaborative Business Model Innovation in Symbiosis Business Value Networks
And At the New Business Model Conference (NBM 2022) June 23-24 in Rome Mirielle Tøgersen from Østfold University College, Norway presented the article Exploring the business ecosystem for green business models – a literature review
At the IFKAD conference June 20-22 in Lugano
Associate Professor Jane Flarup from research center CGC, Aarhus University Herning, presented the article: Gratitude and Multi-Business Model Innovation – How Can Gratitude Increase the Innovative Competences
The Main picture is from the NBM Conference presentation in here