LiqTech Water

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LiqTech A/S – case:

LiqTech A/S har mere end 20 års erfraing i at filtrere vand. LiqTech A/S producerer innovative keramiske membraner og filtreringssystemer. Vore løsninger filtrerer alt fra drikkevand til spildevand ved bl.a. varmeværker, skibsindustrien og svømmebassiner. LiqTech A/S tilbyder pakkeløsninger fra start til slut med komplette in-house ingeniørkompetencer i procesdesign, 3D-modellering og kontrol. LiqTech A/S laver nøglefærdige vandbehandlingssystemer baseret på netop dine behov. Vær kompatibel i dag – forberedt på fremtiden.

LiqTech Water A/S provides sustainable solutions for water treatment based on more than 20+ years of experience in the filtration industry. LiqTech Water A/S offers total fabrication and integration of ceramic membranes into complete filtration systems made from corrosive-resistant materials and components. Our cases are clean drinking water, industrial wastewater, and water filtration system in i.e. svimming pools.

LiqTech Water A/S creates end-to-end service with complete in-house engineering capabilities for process design, 3D modelling, and control. LiqTech Water A/S provides complete turnkey water treatment systems based on your requirements. Be compliant today – prepared for the future.

LiqTech A/S- case:

LiqTech A/S ønsker at bidrage til den grønne omstilling og selv blive mere bæredygtige. Vi ønsker at indgå i nye netværk med nye samarbejdspartnere for at fremme innovative løsninger.

LiqTech Water A/S wants to contribute to the green transition and become more sustainable. We want to collaborate with new partners to promote innovative solutions.

LiqTech A/S – case:

LiqTech A/S løser udfordringer i klima og miljø forårsaget af den globale livsstil. LiqTech A/S er en teknologisk virksomhed, som tilbyder de nyeste produkter inden for rensning af vand ved hjælp af keramiske siliciumcarbidmembraner og systemer til væske- og gasfiltrering.

LiqTech Water A/S solve the environmental challenges caused by the constantly improving global lifestyle. LiqTech Water A/S is a clean technology company that provides state-of-the-art gas and liquid purification products by manufacturing ceramic silicon carbide membranes and systems for liquid and gas filtration.

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